Product Update: Introducing Anecdotes Connected App 2.0

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, data has emerged as the fundamental pillar of your Security Compliance program. With abundant data points and an ever-expanding array of technologies, you find yourself constantly immersed in a sea of numbers and statistics. While making sense of this vast amount of data is one challenge, effectively conveying it to management through insightful reports is an entirely different one. This is where anecdotes’ Snowflake Connected App 2.0 comes. Connected App 2.0, powered by the integration between anecdotes and Snowflake, enables the visualization of Compliance data with various widgets and customizable reports that yield actionable insights at the organizational level. All reports can be tailored to the organization's business nature and specific needs using the self-serve dashboard.

Articulating the Value of Security Compliance to Management

Decision-making on the management level lies in balancing between organizational goals and responsibilities, against risk and the complex regulatory landscapes. They rely on security Compliance teams to provide them with reports, data, and metrics to get the full understanding of the company’s posture and to be able to take action based on those. Communicating Security Compliance activities to leadership can take time and effort. On the one hand, you have the responsibility of regularly delivering accurate reports to assist them in making business decisions and demonstrate the relentless efforts of the Compliance team. On the other hand, there is a genuine concern about inundating them with metrics that may be too irrelevant for them. Striking the right balance between providing comprehensive insights and avoiding information overload becomes crucial in this scenario.

Anecdotes’ Connected App 2.0: Empowering Executives with Compliance Visibility

Connected App 2.0, allows users to leverage the Compliance data collected with Anecdotes’ automated evidence collection for various business use cases and reporting needs within Their Snowflake. The configurable reporting capabilities provides them and leadership with deep visibility into their Compliance posture.

Unified Language

The powerful combination of Anecdotes’ Data Infrastructure and automation and Snowflake's robust reporting capabilities empower you to effortlessly sift, segment, and filter through your data, enabling focused analysis of specific datasets for intelligent, executive-level reporting.

Just The Right Amount of Data

The powerful combination of Anecdotes’ Data Infrastructure and automation and Snowflake's robust reporting capabilities empower you to effortlessly sift, segment, and filter through your data, enabling focused analysis of specific datasets for intelligent, executive-level reporting.

Configurable Reporting

The configurability of the Connected App 2.0’s dashboard allows you to present the data that matters most to you and your leadership. Visualizing data that matters most to you provides focus and visibility to take action and plan ahead.