Master Accurate

Transform your Compliance program from a series of isolated audits into a dynamic, continuous journey with the power of accurate cross-mapping capabilities. Unleash the potential of each audit by seamlessly leveraging achieved milestones for a multitude of future frameworks. This approach enables your compliance strategy to evolve in tandem with the organization's growth and changing business needs.

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Unlimited plugins & frameworks
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Collect Once, Reuse Continuously

The Anecdotes cross-mapping capability saves users and stakeholders valuable time and effort by allowing the same evidence, collected once, to automatically populate all relevant requirements across the platform for various frameworks and controls.

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Same Data, Multiple Scenarios

Equivalent requirements often arise when managing multiple frameworks. However, one size doesn't fit all, and you will often need to make adjustments. Whether you are incorporating a newly acquired company into your existing GRC program or integrating a separate cloud infrastructure, our cross-mapping architecture addresses these intricacies with ease. Tailor the configuration, detach as needed, and populate specific evidence to align seamlessly with the unique requirements of your business


The ability to cross-map evidence and tailor it for each specific use case has been a game-changer for us. This approach not only saves us time but also improves the accuracy of our compliance reports. With Anecdotes, we can confidently attest to our compliance posture across multiple frameworks.

Drew Gutstein,


Cross-mapping automates the hard work but allows you to configure and tailor to specific requirements of your GRC program.


The Cross-mapping feature empowers your alignment with business growth and eliminates repetitious collection of evidence.


A trusted cross-mapping solution guaranteed to provide you with high accuracy critical to avoid siloed verifications and the need to fix inaccuracies.

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