Trust Hub

With Anecdotes, you can remain fully secure while scaling your Compliance.

We are revolutionizing the world of Security Compliance, and we take security seriously.

On this page, you can learn more about our Security, Privacy, and Compliance programs to get
the information you need regarding your data and how it’s managed.

At Anecdotes, we practice what we preach - we put our customers’ security first. We believe that security has to be a part of all processes, from the initial stages. That is why we used our own Compliance OS to achieve 6 certifications and attestations - more than any other company in the space, and it’s why we’ll continue to build on the very strong foundation we have already established.

Esther Pinto
Security Officer

Our security strategy is based on three pillars:

Mobile App

Protecting Data in the Cloud

Data is a foundational element in our effort to help customers meet their Compliance needs. We understand the potential risks of collecting data from the cloud, and so, optimally protecting that data is our top priority. Our web servers support strong encryption protocols to secure all types of connections and all data throughout the OS is encrypted, both in transit and at rest. We also only work with partners that hold the same high standards of security and Compliance as we do, such as GCP & Snowflake.

encoded serves
Mobile App

Built-in security measures

We ensure that Anecdotes Compliance OS is continually secured. To do this, we have implemented several measures to make sure your usage is protected and secured from the moment you log in, including SSO, MFA, and Encryption best practices. We also continuously monitor our infrastructure and applications, and conduct penetration tests at least once per year.

Mobile App


Customer data belongs to you, the customer. To this end, we do our utmost to make sure it always remains that way. In order to protect your rights, we adhere to GDPR and CCPA requirements.

Laptop security

If you would like to learn more about our security program

Need to report a vulnerability? Contact


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. If you can’t find what you're looking for, feel free to get in touch.

How does Anecdotes secure its users’ access to the OS
Is Anecdotes customer data encrypted?
Where are Anecdotes’ data centers located?
What type of data does Anecdotes collect and process in order to provide its services?
Will Anecdotes transfer data outside of the Client’s territory?
Does Anecdotes offer a Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”)?
For how longs does Anecdotes retain its clients data?
Does Anecdotes have dedicated Security personnel?
Does Anecdotes have a Data Processing Agreement to cover GDPR requirements?
What are Anecdotes’ sub-processors?
While providing the services, will Anecdotes act as a Data Controller or Data Processor?
How would Anecdotes deal with a breach or suspected breach of data?
Who at Anecdotes can access the data?
What training and internal processes does Anecdotes have in place to ensure that its staff are appropriately trained?

If you have any questions that haven’t been answered, please feel free to reach out to us. Security is at the core of everything we do and we’re super happy to share any relevant information regarding our security practices and philosophy.